Translacija | TraslaciónSalsaverde gallery, Gramscijeva 4, Izola, 2.11 – 2.12.2021
Otvoritev | Opening: Torek | Tuesday 2.11.2021, 18:00
Več povezanih dogodkov v novembru!
Translacija | Traslación
je platforma za produkcijo, razstavljanje in raziskovanje performativne umetnosti, ki sta jo ustvarila umetnika Tatiana Kocmur in Francisco Tomsich. V okviru platforme od leta 2018 razvijata projekt Rdeče niti. Rdeče niti je model umetniškega raziskovanja performativne umetnosti osredotočen na recepcijo performativnih umetniških del s strani oseb, ki so bile prisotne v kraju in času, v katerem je bilo določeno delo narejeno. Razstava prikazuje umetniška dela in dokumente Translacije | Traslación med leti 2018 – 2020, ko sta umetnika uporabljala model Rdeče niti za preučevanje performansa Where is the line? (Franc Purg, Galerija SKUC, 1998) in TV dražba (Martina Bastarda, TV Pika, Ljubljana, 8.4.2003). Vključevala bo tudi dialoge s trenutnimi performativnimi dogodki, ki bodo pokazali tudi nove usmeritve projekta.
Translacija | Traslación
is a platform for production, exhibition and research on performance art created by artists Tatiana Kocmur and Francisco Tomsich, who develop since 2018 the Rdeče niti (Red threads) project. Rdeče niti is a model of artistic research on performance art focused on the reception of performative art works by the persons who were present in the place and time in which a certain piece was done. This exhibition showcases art works and documents produced by Translacija | Traslación in 2018 – 2020, when the artists were applying the Rdeče niti model to the study of the performance pieces Where is the line? (Franc Purg, SKUC Gallery, 1998) and TV dražba (TV auction, Martina Bastarda, TV Pika, Ljubljana, 8.4.2003). It will also include dialogues with current performative events which will show some new directions of the project.
Categories: Razstave


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