1.–6. 6., Galerija Salsaverde, Gramscijeva 4

✨VRAČANJA – PASOLINI PRI NAS, razstava Akademije umetnosti UNG✨

S tokratno razstavo se na Akademiji umetnosti Univerze v Novi Gorici pridružujejo praznovanju rojstnega dne italijanske kulturne in politične ikone, Piera Paoloa Pasolinija, ki bi letos dopolnil 100 let. Študentke in študenti prve in druge stopnje fotografije in videofilma preko lastnih foto stvaritev razmišljajo o Pasoliniju kot o pesniku in filmskem ustvarjalcu ter kot o umetniku, ki je bil razklan med vero, zabavo in levičarsko politiko. Mentorica ustvarjalnega procesa je bila Tanja Verlak.

Otvoritev razstave: 31. 5. 2022, 18.00. Prost vstop.- – -1.–5. 6., Salsaverde Gallery, Gramscijeva 4

✨PASOLINI REVISITED, exhibition by UNG School of Arts✨

This year’s exhibition by the School of Arts, University of Nova Gorica, joins the celebration of the centenary of the birth of the Italian cultural and political icon, Pier Paolo Pasolini. Through their photography, BA and MA students of photography and film explore Pasolini as a poet, filmmaker, and artist torn between religion, entertainment, and leftist politics. The tutor in the student’s creative process was Tanja Verlak.Exhibition opening: 31. 5. 2022, 18.00. Free admission.


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